BLT Pizza

I am a lover of pizzas. My boyfriend and I make them all the time. My recent favorite is a leek, mushroom, bacon and blue cheese pizza. Not healthy in the slightest, but hey, who wants a healthy pizza anyways? Sort of defeats the purpose in my opinion.

Anyways, last night I had a craving for a BLT pizza. I'd had it before at a couple of restaurants, but never made it myself. But we got a new pizza stone for Christmas, so I decided to give it a whirl. It turned out rather delicious and we ate the whole thing! In the event that you'd like to give it a try yourself, here is the super easy recipe:

1 ball whole wheat pizza dough (I got mine from Whole Foods)
Cornmeal (If you have a pizza stone)
Olive Oil
Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
2 Tomatoes
1/2 Package Bacon
1 Package Lettuce (I used romaine hearts)
Mayo or Mayo Substitute (I used Veganese)
Salt and Pepper

Step 1
Allow dough to sit out a few hours so it can defrost a bit.

Step 2
Cook bacon to desired crispness then chop, slice tomatoes lengthwise and then slice lettuce thinly to produce shredded lettuce. Put all that aside.

Step 3
Cover a large cutting board with flour. Use your hands and rolling pin to flatten out the dough. This will take a bit of time (and patience) to really flatten it out.

Step 4
Spread cornmeal out on pizza stone. Transfer flattened pizza dough to stone. Brush dough lightly with olive oil. Place in the oven on the bottom rack for 5 minutes at 350 degrees to let the dough start cooking. After 5 minutes, remove from oven.

Step 5
Cover dough with shredded mozzarella cheese. Then sprinkle the bacon all over and layer the tomatoes on top. Cover with another layer of cheese.

Step 6
Place the pizza in the oven for about 15 mins (oven times vary) back at 350 degrees. Keep an eye on the pizza and take it out when the cheese starts to lightly brown.

Step 7
While the pizza is in the oven, mix the shredded lettuce with about 2-3 tablespoons of the mayo. You want it to lightly dress the lettuce, not coat it.

Step 8
When the pizza is done, take it out and let it cool for about 5 minutes. Once its cool, cover in the lettuce, cut and serve with your favorite wine.  I chose a delicious La Crema chardonnay.

Bon appetit!


  1. This blog is too cute!!! Keeping me amused while at work, I love it and cant wait to read more, and maybe if i learn how to use my oven, try this receipe!!! Great Job Jules! miss you!!

  2. Thank you Case!!! You are so sweet! I'm coming to NY this summer and I MUST see you! Xo.


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