Zucchini Noodles

In my continued quest to be healthy, I have come to know the zucchini as a major ally. Zucchini's texture makes it a perfect substitute for so many other elements in cooking. I use it to substitute lasagna noodles in vegetable lasagna, beans and meat in enchiladas, and now my newest obsession is to substitute it for noodles!

Using a spiralizer (I tried this spiralizer, but I've heard this one is also great), I've turned my beloved zucchini into pasta-like noodles- zoodles! I've played around with subbing them for spaghetti and asian noodles to make a couple of really good dishes. Here are the dishes I've tried.

Asian Fried Zucchini Noodles - Recipe here.
Modifications: I used egg whites and cooked the zucchini for 3-4 mins.

Zucchini Spaghetti with Marinara Sauce - Recipe here 
Modifications: I made my own marinara and added mushrooms.

I plan on experimenting even more with these cool zoodles but am on the hunt for more recipes. Any suggestions?

Xo J


  1. Try this deliciousness, Julia: http://www.skinnytaste.com/2014/08/kung-pao-chicken-zoodles-for-two.html

    1. Wow looks fantastic @christie! Thanks for sharing.


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