Girl Crush of the Week: Jenni Smith of Found in My Closet
Jenni's serious closet-mixing talent has earned her a spot as this week's Girl Crush of the Week. Please join us in getting to know this faboo blogger!
- Style icons? Jessica Alba for her fun use of color, Olivia Palermo for her classic, pristine sense of style, Rachel Bilson for her fabulous accessorizing and Kelly Ripa because she just always looks like perfection!
- Design philosophy? Buy what you love and love what you buy. I enjoy finding ways to mix older pieces in my closet with the newer pieces I've acquired to try and make sure nothing gets forgotten (even though occasionally, something does). Also, accessorize, accessorize, accessorize!! Statement necklaces are my favorite accessories...I've collected quite a few.
- Favorite book of all time? I'm a sucker for anything Nicholas Sparks! I love a little romance. =)
- Best advice you ever received? "It is what you make of it" (So choose to make it good!)
- Favorite stores? Anthropologie, J Crew, Nordstrom and Banana Republic. I also shop quite frequently at Gap and Down East Basics.
- Dream place to live? I would love to live in the bay area in CA, have an apartment in NYC to visit a few times a year and have a vacation home in Figi. Too much to ask? =)
- The one product you're obsessed with right now? I ALWAYS use my TIGI Catwalk Root Boost Spray. I spray it throughout my hair in layers while it's damp right before I blow it dry and style. It really helps my flat, fine hair gain a little volume. If I ever forget to use it I can totally notice the difference! I swear by it!
- Biggest indulgence? Massages. I don't get them enough!
- Girl crush? Giuliana Rancic...I love watching her reality show! She loves fashion, she's got a cute personality, she seems very down to earth and real and she just seems like she'd be super fun to hang out with.
- Favorite song? My all-time favorite song is "One Headlight" by The's super old but I love it. Every time I've run a race it's been on my play list.
- Prized possession? My wedding ring. My husband surprised me by designing it all on his own and I love it.
- Current hangout? After the kids go to bed you can usually find me on the couch in the family room with the TV on and my iPad on my lap. Sometimes a bowl of ice cream finds it's way next to me too. Now that it's cold out I love turning on the fireplace too.
- Motto? "I can do hard things"
- Best place on earth? I absolutely love San Francisco. We were fortunate to be able to live 45 minutes away from the city for the last 5 years before we moved to the mid-west and I loved being so close. My husband and I were married in Oakland and spent our honeymoon in San Francisco 11 1/2 years ago so it will always be a special place to me and I'm sure we'll find numerous excuses to go back and visit in the coming years!
- Favorite drink? Jamba Juice...we don't live near any now but every time we travel anywhere near one, you better believe I stop by! =) The staff at the one by my house in CA knew me by name, I went in so much!
Want to see more? Follow Jenni's blog, Found in My Closet, or her Pinterest or her Instagram. Enjoy!
She has really cute style–I love how she uses color a lot!
The Glossy Life
Thanks Alyssa! =)
Thanks so much ladies for featuring me! Love your fun blog! =)