Stylish Stationery

After an unsuccessful Google search of "woman writing thank you notes" I decided to just share a picture of yours truly at the 
Northern California HQ of T&S (aka my coffee table). Expect more of these idiotic shots of myself now that I have my own DSLR. 
Photo Credit: Self Timer
I remember hearing once that Princess Diana was said to have written her thank you cards each evening before bed. My mother always made us write ours right away and while my younger self was annoyed at the hassle of having to do so, my older self very much appreciates the sentiment. To this day I always write handwritten thank you cards when interviewing and try my best to write them when I'm given gifts. So kind of like when you're trying to get in shape and you spend $600 at Lululemon, I feel that a set of pretty cards will turn that "try" into "always."

The need for some cute new cards to write all the necessary TYs is coupled with my need for correspondence cards given my responsibilities here at T&S. You might think all I do all day is harass you all with the daily post on Facebook. Well okay, that is a good portion of my day, but I also mail items and receive product frequently. And as my Lilly stationery pictured above is about to run out, its high time for some new stationery/correspondence cards.

Holy cow there are a ton of options out there! After doing some recon, it seems I am drawn to cards that fit into one of two camps- classic/traditional or fun. I've narrowed it down to the few I like best under each category, but I would LOVE your help in deciding! 



Crane & Co
Tickled Plum
So which one do you all like best? Let me know in the comments section! Lord knows I am in no state to decide myself (see photo at top for evidence I've gone completely mad).


  1. I say all of them! I'm a huge paper person and I have all different kinds of stationery for different occasions. I've used my Kate Spade cards for years and also have more traditional ones for interviews and family thank-yous. I like to get cards all the same size so I can swap envelopes if I run out of one and I like to use an embosser or stamp for my return address instead of paying to have them all printed.

  2. I like the classic Crane & Co. Perfect for friends/family and professional contacts.

  3. well obviously i love the gold striped stationery but i also like the pink scalloped number too!!!!


  4. so pretty! I love that kate spade and inslee print, and also the last one with the bow!

  5. Pale pink or the one with the bow... so you! xoxo

  6. Tough decision!! I'm drawn to both of the bow ones haha. I also think the simplicity of the tickled plum and crane & co are so classy and sophisticated for work/professional contacts.

  7. Julia - I love these options! The Rifle one is stunning. Just in case you need to confuse yourself more my friend, Erin, does this beautiful stationary. You should check it out. It's gorg!

  8. I love writing letters - it is a big thing for me. Huge pen pal love. My cousin and I live in the same Metro area and write each other a note every week - it is just easier to do that with our different work schedules but keep in touch. I think the Crane & Co is my favorite to be honest. I'm a traditionalist with stationery!


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